Monday, December 28, 2009

Sweet Stache.

Walking in a bar alone can be a strange occurrence. For some reason I try it over and again, like some stupid adventure I keep setting out on. I always think I will meet a man, sitting alone, waiting for me to walk up to talk to him. He’s got dark shaggy hair and just moved here or something. We meet, get drunk together and ride off on a rainbow unicorn into the sunset. Well, shit like that never happens in my life. I really need to get off my Indiana Fucking Jones’ kick and stop expecting to find true love while alone in a stupid well-lit suburban bar at 1am. It ain’t the Temple of Doom and the sexy people ain’t interested! Do you know why? Sexy people don’t go to the bar alone looking for love! They go to bars with friends and dates. Sexy people are rarely alone. Except me. I am the exception here. Maybe I am not as good looking as I think.

No, that’s impossible.

I digress. So this hot chick walks into a bar (me) and sits down. She orders a vodka-cranberry, and checks out the scene: lots of drunk people. Pool tables. Loud caterwaul dance music. You know, typical bar shit. A small unattractive man sitting next to her appears to be alone, but he is next to her, so she strikes up a conversation. Why not, right? She had been drinking enough that night to where it hardly mattered.

Her: “How’s it going?”

Him: “Going good. I’m drunk.”

Her: “Drunk in a bar? Irony at it’s finest.”

Him: “Huh?”

Her: “Nevermind. Is that karaoke I hear in the next room?”

Him: “I don’t know. Maybe……Yeah, I think it is.”

Her: “Awesome. I love karaoke.”

Him: “So, do you come in here a lot?”

Her: “No. I was with some friends but decided to go home early, changed my mind and went out again. What about you?”

Him: “No. I never come here. I was just driving home from work and decided to stop in.”

Her: “Oh, where do you live?”

Him: “Forest Grove.”

Her: “Where do you work?”

Him: “Forest Grove.”

Her: “So you came 20 miles out of your way to stop at this bar?”

Him: “Yup.”

Her: “And you work and live in the same town?”

Him: “Yup.”

Her: “So why didn’t you go to a bar in Forest Grove?”

Him: “I told you, I stopped on the way home from work!”

Her: “Huh. That’s weird.”

*long pause*

Him: “Hey, can I ask you something?”

Her: “Sure, go ahead.”

Him: “It’s kind of personal, but I am totally serious, alright? What do you think of my mustache?”

Her: “Uhh…sweet stache dude. I will be back, I need to go smoke.”

From that point, she leaves the bar, gets in her car and drives away. Creeped out. What the hell is she doing, talking to a Steve Buscemi look alike! (who is just as unattractive, but not as cool, i might add.) And why does he look like he is 45 when he is in his 20s? Oh yeah. A MUSTACHE. Seriously, guys. If you want to creep out a girl, grow a some rapist facial hair and then walk around asking strangers what they think about it. Sheesh! Needless to say, she went home alone, saddened and looking over her shoulder in fear of long blonde lip hair.

Things rarely work out for me when I travel solo.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Send Him to the Fiery Pits Whence he Came!

Last night, around 12:20am, after a mild evening of a few drinks a socialization, I walked into the door of my house and set to prepare myself for bed. I dressed into my jammies, pulled my hair up, and walked into the bathroom to do the unmentionable things one does in a bathroom before bed.

Then I saw HIM. Dark and hairy, large meaty legs and body, and an estimated size of about 2.5 inches in diameter! He struck fear into my cheerily heart as I looked into his eight blinking eyes, all of them focused on ME. I knew he was going to attack if I took one step closer, so I grabbed my toiletries and raced to the other bathroom before he could sink his teeth into me. I shut off the light and locked him in his den of evil deeds, a den right next to my bedroom no less! Could it be true? Did my eyes deceive me? Did I have one too many? No, what I saw was accurate. It was the biggest effing spider I have EVER SEEN IN MY HOUSE, EVER.

After a few rounds of texts to the brave people in my life to calm me down, I dozed off to sleep, never forgetting the beast who was now spinning webs in the corners of my mind. Like an arachnid version of Freddy, he invaded my dreams and left me tossing and turning and sleeping in a fearful state.

This morning after a quick check in my bed to make sure the fowl creature had not try to lay with me, I raced into my bathroom to confront the spawn head-on. I held a lust for spider blood in my heart, he must die!!! I opened the door, and....

Gone. He was fucking gone! ....At least gone from my sight. But we all know when spiders disappear, it isnt because they have left the building. They are notorious hiders. They like to lurk in the dark damp forgotten corners of households, watching and haunting their future human prey. Do you know why they prefer the dark, my friends? Because evil deeds are carried out smoothly in the dark! No one with normal god-given eyes can see what they are doing! The foul blood suckers! Those unnatural creatures of HELL! I hate them all! And last night I was face-to-face with the king pin of spiders! The godfather of the spider family! The biggest web-spinner of them all! And I couldn't kill him. I was too afraid.

Don't judge me. You know not the magnitude of this creature until you have seen him for yourself. After a few moments of research on the internet from "people" who study and love these things (obviously shape-shifters, no real human being could actually LIKE a spider) I have discovered that my only enemy could be one of two species:

Exhibit A: Tegenaria duellica - Giant House Spider

OR, Exhibit B: Tegenaria agrestis - Hobo Spider

Does it matter which of these giants I actually saw? Nay, my dear readers. For today is the day that MAN WILL CONQUER ONCE AGAIN. I know of an amazing poison that will ensure the next time I see this hairy abomination, he will be dead. I am setting on a quest to that of "Home Depot" to obtain such a potion, and I will WIN THIS COLD WAR.

The only good spider is a dead spider. Godspeed!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dear Diary

Yesterday I went to rose festival with my beau, we rode white knuckle death-trap rides of doom. Of course, when we headed to "Zero Gravity" (the ride which spins you around so fast you stick to the wall and then lifts on its side, no seatbelts needed!) , the lovely sam proceeded to point out that the ride shouldnt be called "Zero gravity", because in fact the ride is actually CREATING gravity with its centrifugal force. Leave it to my little astronaut to give me a science lesson aka "why carnies shouldn't name rides"

Dude! it's too bad I am not a science teacher, that kind of would be a cool science lesson.

ah, sam. you are the dark flow of my heart.

we also went on rusted swings of death. let us never speak of them again. I hate ferris wheels. they are neither romantic nor relaxing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Apparently this Dude's Brain is Lucid.

Some asshole customer asked me what "lucid" means last night. I use the word all the time, but I had to sit there for a minute to come up with a definition. Finally I came up with a synonym, "translucent." I smiled, proud of myself for coming up with a word that I felt best described the other, and looked at him for recognition.

Dude gave the a look like I was the dumbest human being on the planet. He blankly stared at me and was like "well I guess I can find out later, it doesn't matter anyway." He gave me a $4 tip and walked out of my life, but not out of my head!

umm hello asshole! I just told you what it means! Come back here! I'm not stupid, right? Or am I? All night it drove me crazy. I'm not THAT stupid, am I?! Did I just give this guy an incorrect estimation of word trivia?! It boiled and turmoiled in my mind; all through the night I rolled around with nightmares of dictionaries being hurled at my head by this asshole customer. "TAKE THAT, DUMB WAITRESS! HOW COULD I EXPECT SUCH A FEEBLE MINDED GIRL WORKING SUCH A HORRIBLE JOB TO KNOW ANYTHING!"

So I woke up today and looked it up first thing:

Copy and paste from translucent:

2. easily understandable; LUCID: a translucent explication.

Copy and paste from lucid:

    Easily understood; intelligible.
    Mentally sound; sane or rational.
    Translucent or transparent.

take that, asshole! I was right. GAWD!

Friday, March 13, 2009

buggaboo VS. boogerboo -OR- Insane in the mucus membrane!

Hello dearest faithful readers!

As of this moment, I am sitting in the dark with my coat on, with a snot rag twisted and shoved up my nose, and desperately trying to push my mind out of "sickly."

I have to work all night tonight, and I pray to the dayquil gods they will bestow a quick recovery with their shiny orange geltabs. If they dont, I will either be taking orders with a faucet nose, or a snot rag hanging in front of my face. Which would you prefer? Would you like some of my snot as a dipping sauce for your fries? I have plenty! No, I am not staring at you strangely because your are a 60 year old man asking for my phone number, that's merely a sinus headache! Normally i LOVE getting dirty old men asking me for dates. Just leave me a big tip please so I can afford more meds. I'd be happy to get you some extra napkins, do you mind if I wipe my wet, red, crusty nose on one of them first? Another milkshake? SURE NO PROBLEM. Would you like snot-banana or boogers and chocolate?

Ok, really though. I wish I could sleep tonight. Yesterday at work I had a sneeze attack of at least 10 in a row. That was like being shot in the face....with bullets. Man, the things I do for money.

At least I am not as bad as scarlett, she has coughed so hard that she puked on 3 occasions. Poor little bugger.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hobo Express

ahhh work was so dead last night. I only made like 60 bucks in tips. For an hour and a half I did the jumble, crossword, word search and soduku in the newspaper. At 4am, I was the only one in the restaurant (besides the cook in the back) and I just happen to look out the window for the 50th time that minute and what should I see but a cop car pulling up. I think "YAY the cops are coming in to eat!" and get i prepared to give my own table a fabulous 4am dining experience. Not to mention, I really love men in uniform so I try to fix myself up a little.

a short amount of time passes, and no cops come in. So I go back to my jumble. I get all involved in it for a minute, and next time I look up, my heart literally JUMPS out of my chest because some creepy old bum is standing at the counter!! He is hella dirty and has no teeth and is jingling some change around. he looks just like the prophet from big love, if you have seen that show...except imagine the prophet without teeth, a shave or a shower, and in a dirty flannel shirt. "The cops just dropped me off here" he says. "I'll have some coffee and oatmeal" he says.

okay, so i figure if the cops were nice enough to let him go, he is probably a nuisance, but harmless...right? Anyway, he sits in the back of the store for 30 minutes before anyone else comes in. I am avoiding this dude like crazy, I didnt care! He gave me a really bad vibe. PROBABLY because yesterday I had a lecture from my mom about how working graveyard alone in a restaurant is dangerous and I should find another job. My mom always has to plant the seed of fear!

Anyway, some super hot buff black guy comes in and i feel safe for awhile, cuz I know this dude is a gentleman and would kick anyones ass, from how pumped he is. Another regular comes in and I chat him up for awhile and I just continue to ignore the bum in the back. The bum gets up to go to the bathroom, and is gone for like 15 minutes....probably either pooping or shooting up. then he goes and sits at ANOTHER table and starts STARING AT ME and the regular I am having a conversation with. I am really freaked out by him at this point.

Finally around 5:20am, he gets up and comes to the counter to pay. I tell him his total is $8.50 or something close to that number. He proceeds to put $3.60 down on the counter and slides it in my direction. So I say "okay, it looks like you have about 3 dollars and 60 cents here. Your total is over $8. do you have any more money?" he shakes his head. SOOO I have no idea what to do at this point. I could just let him go, but then his bill would come out of MY pocket, and I totally dont want to do that. I refuse to do that actually, haha. So I tell him to go have a
seat and wait until my replacement arrives.

i wait and wait and wait. i talk to the cook for a minute about how I want to go and get away from this bum. the bum is just sleepin in the booth at this

So, lisa F finally arrives about 20 minutes late. I explain to her the situation. She rolls her eyes and the dude and immediatley storms over there and proceeds to rip this guy a new asshole. "EXCUSE ME SIR, SIT UP, THIS IS A RESTAURANT, NOT A HOTEL. YOU CAN'T SLEEP HERE. YOU DONT HAVE ANY MONEY TO PAY? HOW DID YOU THINK YOU CAN ORDER FOOD WHEN YOU DONT HAVE MONEY! I COULD CALL THE COPS RIGHT NOW! YOU KKNOW YOUR SERVER HAS TO PAY FOR THE FOOD YOU CANT PAY FOR? SHE WORKS HARD FOR HER MONEY. DO YOU WORK FOR MONEY? YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO HER RIGHT NOW AND THANK HER FOR PAYING FOR YOUR FOOD. YOU NEED TO LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK. etc etc etc. it was so awesome. she was my hero because she wasnt afraid of the dude at all. haha. But the again she is like twice my size, has shoulders like a linebacker, and looks like she could take anyone down. Anyway she 86'ed his ass from the store and then had the cook escort me to my car to make sure he wasnt waiting for me out in the bushes or something.

and that was the eventful part of my night. I have some more stories from other
nights too. you meet the the weirdest fuckers working graveyard.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two by Four

hello there, so we meet again.

It has been awhile since I posted a blog, and since everyone admires me for my blog posting skills, I figured I wouldnt leave you hangin on this fine winter's eve.

I just ate a plate of nachos for two all by myself. I havent eaten all day today. Actually, that is a complete farce, I had subway and BURGER KING AND NACHOS. And that's it. I am a total liar, i have no idea why i said i had nothing. No wonder I looked at a $5 scale at ikea and then promptly put it back on the shelf when I saw the insulting number it gave me. hmph! I think ikea better examine it's merchandise before it wrecks itself! or before i throw it's cheap five dollar scale across the room for laughing at me! okay, it didnt laugh, but it should have. Oh well, more cushin for the pushin right? I mean I check my butt out in the mirror every day, and it still looks pretty good. Sometimes I grab my own butt too, just to see how good it would feel to be the lucky person who ever grabs my awesome butt. Yeah. Well. hopefully I can hang on to my assets. Maybe I should lay off the nachos and chicken nuggets. But I am feeling especially unmotivated to make good food lately. I think it is because I am distracted by other things. Although I did have a salad at work yesterday. covered in dressing. smothered, really. Did you guys know how fattening the red robin honey mustard is? I think its like 36 grams of fat per TWO TABLESPOONS or some shit. now that is what I call a good time. Sometimes I wish I could be smothered in that shit and have it licked off. Yeah, honey mustard baby. Maybe I could lick it off myself. I would be like jabba the hut, rollin around in honey mustard, slowly gettin fatter. Dude, that would be hot.

ps. did you know i can play the 1812 overture with my butt? farts! it's a talent that shouldnt be hidden any longer.

okay then, I am drunk and need to get up early. good night, assholes!

Friday, January 23, 2009

No Wire Hangers

i was going through some of scarlett's old things and I found a 6 month old sleeper that she wore when she was 3 months old. I did a total psycho mom thing and held it up to my shoulder like how i used to hold her, just to remember how small she used to be. Then I bawled like a sentimental baby and tried to hug scarlett but she ran away because she was too busy playing.

she's so big. :(

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


When I was little I used to fantasize that one day I would meet prince william and he would fall madly in love with me and then I would be a princess, and then a queen. And that I would be willing to look past the fact he is so hideous because I would have the attention of the world. I mean we would only have to consummate once, right? And after that, TOTAL GLOBAL DOMINATION. AND I WOULD BE A FUCKING PRINCESS. and everyone would be like "dayum! alicia is so much hotter than prince william! It's so evident that she married him for his princely status!" Fuck that would be rad. I guess I wouldn't be able to say "fuck" anymore, huh? lame.

Oh wait, but I guess I would probably have to fuck him more than once because we would need to make an heir for the throne. Hrm. Well, it is a small sacrifice to make...I wonder if they have a royal paper bag to put over his head? Then maybe I could cut out a picture of ewan mcgregor or elijah wood or cillian murphy and paste it on the bag so then I could pretend I was making love to them instead. I mean they HAVE to have a royal bag, right? Charles is so fucking hideous, I KNOW diana had to concoct something like a plush purple velvety diamond encrusted bag to put over charles' head. I will just have to inquire about that. But then again, william is all powerful and stuff so maybe I could just get off on that. I mean I am sure I could. I know i could! Yayer. I could probably write a really persuasive letter to the queen, telling her why I am the SHIT. Once I get in with her, I am golden, right? Then all I have to do is bump her off, which will be hella easy since she is so old anyway. Just a lil push down the royal stairs and her royal hip will be royally fucked. Then I will hold her hand while she slips away, and she will love me.

huh. but I wonder what would happen to scarlett? I guess she would be like a lady in waiting or something since she doesnt REALLY have any royal blood. That's not very nice. I mean, my grandpa was in the senate, so that KINDA makes her like royalty, right? Maybe I could set her up with a duke or something. or a knight. No, a duke sounds better. I would have to watch her from afar because I am too busy attending to my royal duties and beheading people. But the heir i produce will be hella jealous because there is NO WAY I could make a good lookin' kid with william. I mean I know I am ridiculously good looking, but I just dont know if my good looks can overpower the wretched bad looks of the royal family. Scarlett will be like the gorgeous lady-in-waiting that my hideous heir is hella jealous of. And my heir will go out of her way to make scarlett's life miserable until the prince of poland sweeps her off of her half-polish feet.

i am not making this up! Actually, I still kinda daydream about it. HA. Except I saw this documentary on the royal family once and it looked like they have horrible structured lives, like all they do is go to cememonies all day and shake people's hands. so I am glad this is never REALLY gonna happen. OR IS IT?

Regicide anyone?

I think I read too much Phillipa Gregory for my own good.