Then I saw HIM. Dark and hairy, large meaty legs and body, and an estimated size of about 2.5 inches in diameter! He struck fear into my cheerily heart as I looked into his eight blinking eyes, all of them focused on ME. I knew he was going to attack if I took one step closer, so I grabbed my toiletries and raced to the other bathroom before he could sink his teeth into me. I shut off the light and locked him in his den of evil deeds, a den right next to my bedroom no less! Could it be true? Did my eyes deceive me? Did I have one too many? No, what I saw was accurate. It was the biggest effing spider I have EVER SEEN IN MY HOUSE, EVER.
After a few rounds of texts to the brave people in my life to calm me down, I dozed off to sleep, never forgetting the beast who was now spinning webs in the corners of my mind. Like an arachnid version of Freddy, he invaded my dreams and left me tossing and turning and sleeping in a fearful state.
This morning after a quick check in my bed to make sure the fowl creature had not try to lay with me, I raced into my bathroom to confront the spawn head-on. I held a lust for spider blood in my heart, he must die!!! I opened the door, and....
Gone. He was fucking gone! ....At least gone from my sight. But we all know when spiders disappear, it isnt because they have left the building. They are notorious hiders. They like to lurk in the dark damp forgotten corners of households, watching and haunting their future human prey. Do you know why they prefer the dark, my friends? Because evil deeds are carried out smoothly in the dark! No one with normal god-given eyes can see what they are doing! The foul blood suckers! Those unnatural creatures of HELL! I hate them all! And last night I was face-to-face with the king pin of spiders! The godfather of the spider family! The biggest web-spinner of them all! And I couldn't kill him. I was too afraid.
Don't judge me. You know not the magnitude of this creature until you have seen him for yourself. After a few moments of research on the internet from "people" who study and love these things (obviously shape-shifters, no real human being could actually LIKE a spider) I have discovered that my only enemy could be one of two species:
Exhibit A: Tegenaria duellica - Giant House Spider
OR, Exhibit B: Tegenaria agrestis - Hobo Spider
Does it matter which of these giants I actually saw? Nay, my dear readers. For today is the day that MAN WILL CONQUER ONCE AGAIN. I know of an amazing poison that will ensure the next time I see this hairy abomination, he will be dead. I am setting on a quest to that of "Home Depot" to obtain such a potion, and I will WIN THIS COLD WAR.
The only good spider is a dead spider. Godspeed!
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