Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dear Diary

Yesterday I went to rose festival with my beau, we rode white knuckle death-trap rides of doom. Of course, when we headed to "Zero Gravity" (the ride which spins you around so fast you stick to the wall and then lifts on its side, no seatbelts needed!) , the lovely sam proceeded to point out that the ride shouldnt be called "Zero gravity", because in fact the ride is actually CREATING gravity with its centrifugal force. Leave it to my little astronaut to give me a science lesson aka "why carnies shouldn't name rides"

Dude! it's too bad I am not a science teacher, that kind of would be a cool science lesson.

ah, sam. you are the dark flow of my heart.

we also went on rusted swings of death. let us never speak of them again. I hate ferris wheels. they are neither romantic nor relaxing.